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Game Developers Conference 2021: Wird mit über das Jahr verteilten Online-Events stattfinden

GDC 2021 wird mit über das Jahr verteilten Online-Events stattfinden

Nachdem die Game Developers Conference bereits im vergangenen Jahr Pandemie-bedingt in ein Online-Event umgewandelt wurde, soll auch die diesjährige Ausgabe im Netz stattfinden. Zur 35. Ausgabe der GDC möchte man eine “neue Herangehensweise” wählen, so die Ankündigung auf der offiziellen Website. Geplant sind mehrere, über das Jahr verteilte, “flexiblere” und “zugänglichere” Online-Events, die im März mit der ersten Präsentation beginnen.

Auch nach den Developers Choice Awards am 21. Juli wolle man im Rest des Jahres “GDC-branded Events” starten, um weiteres Netzwerken zu ermöglichen. Hier der bisherige Zeitplan:

GDC Masterclass (March 4-5): GDC Masterclass is a new format we introduced this past fall, and consists of one and two-day small-group virtual workshops that deliver in-depth, hands-on training around some of the most important challenges facing game developers today. These classes, led by some of the sharpest minds in the industry, are a return to deeper, more intense learnings that go back to


roots and offer individualized feedback and practical experience.

GDC Showcase (March 15-19): This first showcase event is a free-to-attend, all-digital event created to provide the GDC community a chance to come together safely in March. This one-of-a-kind event will provide a taste of what GDC is all about while exploring a slightly different and new array of content and formats, featuring spotlight lectures,


with the people behind some of the industry’s biggest games, interactive panels with renowned game developers, live podcasts, and more.

GDC 2021 (July 19-23): We will host our traditional week-long, multi-track educational and business focused event online in 2021. While we can’t wait to gather in the halls of


together again, and we did consider an in-person component this year, we have decided that it’s more important that our speakers, attendees and sponsors be able to plan ahead, to continue to be as safe as possible, and to spend our attention on delivering the best possible GDC. As in a more traditional year, this year’s conference will be filled with deep content developed with our advisory board, a focus on community-building, networking and celebrations that GDC is known for.

Independent Games Festival and Game Developers Choice Awards (July 21) The IGF and


will return during the main GDC event. Submissions for the IGF Awards are already in and nominees will be announced in early May. We’ll have more to share soon on the


, but as always we look forward to this moment of peer-recognition in the video game industry. The awards will take place back-to-back like usual and will be


on the official GDC Twitch channel.”

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