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Assault Spy: Wildes Animé-Gekloppe mit Aktentasche startet in den Early Access

Wildes Animé-Gekloppe mit Aktentasche startet in den Early Access


Assault Spy(Prügeln & Kämpfen) von NIS America

In der Animé-Welt von Assault Spy scheinen Anzüge die Bewegungsfreiheit nicht im Geringsten einzuschränken: Der Unternehmensspion Asaru zumindest zeigt sich derart agil, dass er auf seinem Action-Trip durch die Büros der korrupten Negabot-Corporation im Zehntelsekundentakt seine Fäuste und den Aktenkoffer fliegen lässt. Das Actionspiel von Wazen und Publisher NIS Amercia ist ab sofort in Steams Early Access erhältlich.

Lediglich Asarus tollpatschige Partnerin Kanoko scheint seine Missionen immer wieder unabsichtlich zu sabotieren. Die Pressemitteilung (via erläutert:

“Key Features

  • Stylish Spy Action Comedy: Blast through an army of security robots and save a company that was taken over by terrorists!
  • High Speed Dash Combat: Dodge bullets with a dash, and finish off enemies with fancy combo moves!
  • Dynamic Action: Defeating enemies unlocks new moves, which can be used to chain together insane combos with stylish finishing moves!
  • One Story with Two Sides: Play through the game as the professional, yet hapless spy, Asaru; or the rowdy and reckless CIA agent, Amelia! Each character has a unique playstyle, and a story that intertwines with each other!


  • Asaru: Asaru Vito is a self-proclaimed elite company spy. However, because he always ends up paired with the clumsy Kanoko Yotsuba, most of his missions are failures. His performance hit rock bottom… Just when things couldn’t get any worse, he was assigned to spy on the global mega corporation, Negabot. Even with the worst partner ever, he now has to work at a major company, so the worst has yet to begin for Asaru!
  • Amelia: The company has been taken over by terrorists!? OK, let me take a swing at them!!!”




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