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Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 – Treyarch informiert über Post-Launch-Updates wie Leaderboards und Bugfixes

Treyarch informiert über Post-Launch-Updates wie Leaderboards und Bugfixes

© Treyarch / Activision

Entwickler Treyarch hat auf Reddit bekanntgegeben, welche Änderungen in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 nach dem Launch-Wochenende in Kraft getreten sind, darunter die Behebung von Problemen mit der Spawn-Balance in Domination oder von Bugs, die zusätzliche Aufsatz-Slots möglich machten. Zudem sorgt etwa Torques Stacheldraht nicht mehr für Kicks aufgrund unverschuldeter Teamkills.

Der Teamschaden wurde bei diesem Gegenstand mittlerweile auch im Hardcore-Modus deaktiviert, weil offenbar zu viele Teampartner in die stachelige Falle liefen. Auf dem PC sei mittlerweile die Framerate in allen Modi nicht mehr begrenzt. Zudem wurden künftige Updates wie der in der kommenden Woche geplante Start der Bestenlisten angekündigt – siehe untere Hälfte der Liste:

  • „General

    • Resolved an issue where new players sometimes didn’t have a default Calling Card on initial boot.

    • Improved an animation in the player’s health bar when taking damage.

    • Resolved an issue where Prestiging a weapon wouldn’t remove its attachments.

    • Fixed overhead names and rank for bots in the lobby.

    • General stability fixes.

  • Multiplayer

    • Domination

      • Improved spawn balancing in Domination, which should alleviate some of the issues people have reported. The system has some new capabilities to reduce the frequency of spawn flipping (also a commonly requested change), and that comes with new challenges in striking the right balance between less flipping and less trapping. This is a first step, and we expect it to take a few iterations to achieve the right balance.

    • Equipment

      • Torque’s Razor Wire will no longer deal damage to the player or teammates in Hardcore. No more getting kicked for inadvertent team kills.

    • Create-a-Class

      • Resolved an issue that allowed players to utilize an extra Attachment slot.

We’ve also made the following additional update specific to PC:

  • Framerate

    • Framerate is now uncapped in all modes! 


As always, we’re tracking a host of topics from the community, and we’re working behind the scenes on several updates slated for the next week. Some of these include:

  • Zombies

    • Gameplay Balancing Pass

      • Those of you who tuned into the #CODNation Challenge AMA with Jason Blundell and Fred “Nikolai” Tatasciore yesterday know the team is hard at work on our first post-launch balancing pass for Zombies, including nerfs to Hellhounds and Tigers. Look for a detailed update on this tomorrow!

    • Playlists

      • We’ve combined Blood of the Dead and Classified into one “Aether Story” playlist to ensure players will be given the best matchmaking experience possible across those two maps. These playlists will change over time, and we may decide to offer a Blood of the Dead-only playlist depending on community demand. Let us know what you’d like to see.

    • Black Ops Authenticity Stamp

      • Related to Leaderboards, the Black Ops Authenticity Stamp is a feature that we’re excited to implement for our hardcore Zombies players who’d like to prove their prowess to the world. There’s a lot of data behind this system, so we’re taking the time we need to ensure 100% accurate reporting and a streamlined process to share your achievements. Stay tuned for more info soon.

  • Leaderboards

    • As we mentioned on Twitter yesterday, we’re working to enable Leaderboards in both MP and Zombies next week. Stats are being recorded for Leaderboards, just not displayed yet. Thanks for your patience.

  • Combat Record

    • As with Leaderboards, we’re planning on bringing Combat Record online in an update next week. We’re still tracking your stats behind the scenes, so no worries there.

  • Ranked/League Play

  • Search and Destroy Custom Games

    • We’ve seen reports of custom Search and Destroy matches ending after round 7, and players sometimes getting stuck spectating teammates instead of spawning in. The team is currently investigating.

  • Xbox One Deluxe Edition Content

    • Some players had trouble accessing the Shadowman Blackout character or the Classified Zombies experience because they didn’t auto-download the content. If this is still affecting you, please follow these steps to access this content.

  • PC Updates

    • As always, follow /u/TreyarchPC for separate PC-specific posts with all the details on the latest updates and what we’re tracking on the PC front.“

Das erste Blackout-Gefecht

Wir zeigen das erste Match im neuen Battle Royale-Spielmodus Blackout von Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

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