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Civilization 6: Rise and Fall: März-Update steht zum Download bereit

März-Update steht zum Download bereit

© Firaxis Games / 2K

Das März-Update für Civilization 6 und Civilization 6: Rise and Fall steht zum Download bereit. Mit dem Patch wollen die Entwickler die Benutzeroberfläche optimieren und einige Anpassungen vornehmen. Der Unterhaltungsdistrikt erhält neue Effekte, Stadtstaaten bekommen mehr Verteidigungsanlagen spendiert (weil die KI die Stadtstaaten zu oft angreift) und das Loyalitätssystem soll besser ausbalanciert werden.


  • Added a new historic moment for being the second or later Civilization to discover a Natural Wonder, + 1 Era Score.
  • Clarified Amundsen-Scott Research Station bonus in the text.
  • Made the Water Park cheaper to be consistent with the Aerodrome.
  • Reworked the way that warmongering is handled between declaration of war capturing cities, and razing cities.
  • Unit experience gained from fighting Free Cities and Free City units is now capped at +1 after obtaining the unit’s first promotion.
  • Removed the Flirtatious and Curmudgeon agendas.
  • Ranged units garrisoned in a city are now always considered to be in an elevated position if the city has walls or urban defenses.
  • Updated Korean Palace art.
  • Fixed situations where players could have Shared Visibility while at war.
  • Fixed an issue where Observation Balloons were incorrectly granting the Drone unit’s combat strength buff.
  • Fixed an issue where the Stadium effects did not match the text.
    • Stadium: +2 Tourism for cities with at least 10 population. +5 tourism to cities with at least 20 population. +2 Entertainment amenities for all cities within 6 tiles. (Now only applies to Stadium and not districts.)
  • Increased defenses of early era city states to discourage easy conquest by AI and players.


  • Allow the 3 land tiles next to Polder to include Hills.
  • Added Loyalty per turn to Emergency target cities so that Emergencies will no longer end in the member’s favor without them doing anything.
  • Added the Entertainment Complex building effects.
    • Arena: +1 Culture. +1 Tourism once Conservation is unlocked. +1 Entertainment amenity for this city
    • Zoo: +1 Science to all Rainforest and Marsh tiles in this city. +1 Entertainment amenity for all cities within 6 tiles.
    • Stadium: +2 Tourism for cities with at least 10 population. +5 tourism to cities with at least 20 population. +2 Entertainment amenities for all cities within 6 tiles.
  • Made building National Parks much more important to leaders with the Environmentalist and Exploitative agendas.
  • Military Alliances now provide a bonus against city states.
  • Macedon no longer receives boosts for conquering a Free City.
  • Have Twilight Valor apply to Naval Melee units.
  • Neutralize Governor turn duration has been adjusted for game speed.
  • Gain Sources turn duration has been adjusted for game speed.



  • Added some improvements in sorting great works into collections.
  • Improved AI progress through tech and civic tree.
  • Garrisoned ranged units are much less likely to leave City Centers and Encampments.


  • Historic Moments are now accessible from the End Game Results screen.
  • Made sure we displayed the right city details for cities being ceded.
  • City States no longer display „At War“ tooltip if we aren’t at war.
  • Former capitals are now properly differentiated from captured capitals.
  • City Banner polish and bug fixes.
  • Our Leader diplomacy screen now uses the longer, more detailed descriptions for unique units, buildings, etc.
  • The diplomacy deal edit box will now fit up to 5 items to fit all 5 Alliance types.
  • Zero out points per turn if we’re not in an alliance and updated the tooltip to inform the player they need an alliance to gain points.
  • Diplomacy portraits in the HUD now indicate alliance type.
  • Governor promotion buttons will now use the disabled state properly for promotions we don’t have the pre-requisites to earn.
  • The religion lens banner fly out will no longer display redundant icons for the first religion when it’s about to convert or be tagged as predominate when it’s still converting.
  • Resolved terrain tooltips displaying over selection panels in certain situations.
  • Added tooltips for a variety of loyalty UI.
  • Adding alliance icons to tech tree nodes so players know what their Level 3 Research Alliance members are researching.
  • Movement paths are now shown on the religion lens.
  • Revised Raze City tooltip text for accuracy.
  • Emphasized several notification icons indicating negative game events
  • Clarified Era score and Age threshold UI while in the last era of the game.
  • Added Research Alliance indicator to Research Chooser.
  • Added a scroll panel to operative list on the Espionage overview.



  • Fixed an issue preventing water Natural Wonders from appearing on Huge maps.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing embarked units to use their embarked strength instead of their unit strength when conducting an amphibious attack.
  • ‘Amphibious’ unit promotion is now correctly removing the attack penalty in an amphibious attack.
  • Fixed a bug causing incorrect unit maintenance costs to be incurred.
  • Fixed a bug with the Pax Brittania unique ability that was granting a free melee unit when England obtained a city other than through settling.
  • Fixed a bug causing the player to be charged an incorrect amount when purchasing a District with Gold.
  • Fixed a bug causing units set to ‘Alert’ to be changed to ‘Fortified’, preventing them from waking up when enemies are near.
  • Historic Moment for recapturing a city you originally founded can now only trigger once per plot location, to prevent an exploit where it could be farmed for era score.
  • Fixed the Holy Righteous Queen achievement and the Metroplex achievement to have proper unlock requirements.
  • Preserve proper number of government slots after liberating a city with a Wonder that provides slots.
  • Fixed the Space Port, it was being counted as a specialty district.
  • Fixed Matterhorn and Zhangye Danxia spawning surrounded by mountains.
  • Allowed the Advanced Seminar in Astrophysics achievement to work in more permutations of district placement.
  • Made sure a second work of art from the same artists provides some culture/tourism in the Apadana.
  • Ensured that city state suzerain bonuses are applied properly after you capture a city.
  • Fixed Kilwa Kisiwani bonus to production in other cities when you get another suzerain of that type.

Eine kurze Geschichte der Videospiele

Die Geschichte der Videospiele beginnt bereits in den späten 1940er Jahren mit wissenschaftlichen Tüfteleien. Die erste bekannte von ihnen war “OXO”, ein Tic-Tac-Toe-Spiel, in dem man gegen den Computer antrat.

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