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Overcooked 2: Nachfolger des hektischen Party-Spiels erscheint im August

Nachfolger des hektischen Party-Spiels erscheint im August

© Ghost Town Games / Team17

Overcooked 2(Musik & Party) von Team17 Credit: Ghost Town Games / Team17
Team 17s Party-Spiel Overcooked hat sich schnell zum Geheimtipp für Mehrspieler-Sessions gemausert – kein Wunder also, dass heute ein Nachfolger angekündigt wurde. Das Spiel von Entwickler Ghost Town Games Ltd. wurde in Nintendos heutigem Direct-Stream enthüllt, erscheinen wird es aber auch für PC, Xbox One sowie PlayStation 4. Der Termin lautet auf allen Plattformen 7. August 2018.

Auf der offiziellen Website gibt es bereits allerlei Infos über die kooperativen Küchenschlachten, in denen Multitasking und Absprache alles sind. Der Zwiebelkönig hat sein Reich ins Unglück gestürzt, indem er untotes Brot gebacken bzw. beschworen hat, also müssen ein bis vier Spieler die Suppe auslöffeln und die Messer wetzen. Auf der Speisekarte stehen diesmal z.B. Sushi, Pasta, Kuchen, Burger und Burritos, die in “unkonventionellen” transformierenden Küchen hungrigen Kunden serviert werden wollen.

“Whether it be a hot air balloon, a magical Wizard’s school or even another planet, you’ll have to be bready for anything. Work solo or with up to three friends to prep orders while overcoming obstacles such as fire, collapsing floors, overbearing waiters and of course, the classic kitchen problem of floating work surfaces.

What’s new:

  • Online multiplayer! For the first time you can cook up a storm with up to four players in both local and online multiplayer!
  • Throwing! Throwing is now an official game mechanic, allowing you to toss ingredients to your fellow chefs or even straight into the pan/blender/onto the floor!
  • New level mechanics! Overcooked 2 sees the introduction of new game mechanics including moving walkways, controllable platforms and even portals!
  • Dynamic levels! Throwing you from the frying pan and into the fire, dynamic levels will change around you, offering a new challenge to overcome as the recipes and levels themselves change!
  • Interactive world map! As you drive, sail and soar your way around the map in the Onion King’s amphibious air bus you will open up new areas using hidden buttons around the world!
  • Kitchens! From the neon lights of a sushi restaurant to the bubbling pots of a Wizard school kitchen, there are plenty of places to cook up a storm in Overcooked 2!
  • Recipes! From spaghetti to sushi and pancakes to pizza, recipes both old and new will need to be cooked to perfection (or at least not burnt to a crisp!) New recipes mean new ingredients and new equipment so even the most well-seasoned Overcooked players will be challenged!
  • Chefs! Overcooked 2 introduces a whole host of new of chefs to play in the kitchen including an eagle, mouse, beaver and what kitchen is complete without an octopus!”
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