For the first time SENRAN KAGURA fans will be able to experience the fated rivalry between Hanzo National Academy and Hebijo Clandestine Girls‘ Academy students in full 3D environments with newly improved character models and cut-scenes. Shortly after release additional DLC episodes will be released that will reveal new details of Yumi and Miyabi’s histories prior to meeting Asuka and Homura.
We are also excited to confirm that a selection* of downloadable content, such as Costumes, Hairstyles and Accessories, previously released for
will also be compatible with
SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newal. Compatible content installed on the PlayStation 4 console will appear in the Dressing Room, allowing fans further customisation options for that personalised SENRAN KAGURA experience.
Not all previously released DLC is compatible with SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newal and a full list of compatible DLC will be published at launch.
Lastly digital pre-orders for
SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newalare now available on the PlayStation Store; with both
Standard Edition
Shinobi Rivals Edition
available to pre-order.
Those who pre-order
SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newaldigitally on the PlayStation Store will also receive the
Beautiful Something Yukata
Outfit and the
Blooming Again
PlayStation 4 theme as a digital pre-order bonus.
SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newal PS4 Game
Pre-order Bonus:
Beautiful Something Yukata Outfit**
Blooming Again PlayStation 4 Theme***
SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newal – Shinobi Rivals Edition [PRE-ORDER]:
SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newal PS4 Game
SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newal Digital Soundtrack App
Downloadable Content
Burst Girls Uniform
Old Hanzo Uniform
“Lovey Dovey” Diorama Pose
Playable Character Yumi & Prologue Chapter****
Pre-order Bonus:
Beautiful Something Yukata Outfit**
Blooming Again PlayStation 4 Theme***
Beautiful Something Yukata Outfit
(included with all digital pre-orders) will be available to purchase separately as premium DLC from the PlayStation Store four weeks after launch.
Blooming Again PlayStation 4 theme
(included with digital pre-orders) will be made available to purchase separately from the PlayStation Store five weeks after launch.
Yumi Character & Prologue Pack
(included with the Digital Shinobi Rivals Edition and Physical Bountiful Beauties Edition) will be available to purchase separately as premium DLC from the PlayStation Store the week following the game’s launch.
We will also
be offering two DLC costumes – “Cutie
Melon” and “Cutie
Peach” — to all players as a free download during the first four weeks following the game’s launch.
After this promotional period, these
Melon” and “Cutie
Peach” DLC costumes
will be available to purchase as premium DLC from the PlayStation Store and Steam store.
As a reminder a physical Collector’s Edition, known as
SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newal – Bountiful Beauties Edition, is also available to pre-order exclusively from the
Marvelous Games website
for the PlayStation 4.
SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newal – Bountiful Beauties Edition Contents:
SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newal PS4 Game
SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newal Soundtrack Collection
SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newal Art book
Six “Busty Bestie” Keychains with Display Stands
DLC Voucher for the following content
Burst Girls Uniform
Old Hanzo Uniform
“Lovey Dovey” Diorama Pose
Playable Character Yumi & Prologue Chapter
SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newal will be available for the PlayStation 4 digitally and physically on the 18th January 2019 within Europe and Australia. The Windows PC version of SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newal will be published on the 22nd January 2019 worldwide via Steam.“
Zur Serie selbst: Hat sich leider in eine komplett falsche Richtung entwickelt. Senran Kagura 2, mit seinem super schnellen 2.5D Kamfpsystem, der gut präsentierten Story, tollen Monster Designs und gekonnten Fanservice Akzenten war toll. Shinovi Versus dagegen ein Fanservice Musou mit schlechterem Kampsystem.
Leider nur Zensiert, danke Sony! Aber gut so schlimm ist die Zensur für mich nicht. Ich hatte viel Spaß mit Shinovi Versus, Estival Versus und Peach Beach Blast also werde ich auch hier zulang.. ähm zugreif.. ich meine Kaufen!
Vertane Chance. Man hätte es einfach Senran Kagura Bust nennen sollen.