Wozu die Eile? Wem Crazy Taxi, Midtown Madness 3 oder Test Drive Unlimited zu hektisch waren, könnte in
eine ruhigere Kugel schieben: Entwickler Jon Dadley von Sea Green Games versetzt den Spieler in die Rolle eines Nachtkuriers, der mit manueller Schaltung durch die leuchtende Nacht gleitet und dabei entweder mit oder wahlweise auch ohne Zeitdruck Pakete ausliefert.Here’s some Transmission vibes for your Friday, have yourself a relaxing weekend #madewithunity #gamedev #FridayFeeling pic.twitter.com/FQaecHByWv
— Jon Dadley (@JonDadley) 30. November 2018
Stattdessen passt sie sich dem typischen Design violett glühender Nostalgie-Traumbilder der Achtziger Jahre an. Um das Erlebnis muskalisch stilecht zu untermalen, spielt offenbar auch die Wahl der Musikbegleitung eine wichtige Rolle:
– „Explore an open world of open highways and sparkling skylines
– Deliver packages for a cast of characters in story missions, or in unlimited procedurally generated missions
– Upgrade your car from fixer-upper to lean muscle machine
– Unlock new garages to take longer jobs and explore more of the world
– Hire and manage drivers to build a business empire
– Stream radio, MP3s, and podcasts on your car stereo
– Photograph your journey with a range of lenses, filters and effects
– Turn off missions and time limits with Endless Night mode
– Let the car drive with the cruise control feature — for when you just want to soak up the vibes“
– Deliver packages for a cast of characters in story missions, or in unlimited procedurally generated missions
– Upgrade your car from fixer-upper to lean muscle machine
– Unlock new garages to take longer jobs and explore more of the world
– Hire and manage drivers to build a business empire
– Stream radio, MP3s, and podcasts on your car stereo
– Photograph your journey with a range of lenses, filters and effects
– Turn off missions and time limits with Endless Night mode
– Let the car drive with the cruise control feature — for when you just want to soak up the vibes“