Das April-Update für Wreckfest (Early Access) steht zum Download bereit. Dies ist mehr oder weniger ein kleines „Wartungsupdate“, während die Entwickler an größeren Erweiterungen arbeiten, die an einem späteren Zeitpunkt veröffentlicht werden sollen. Dennoch umfasst das Update die Kurzstreckenvariante für Tarmac 1, weitere Anpassungsteile für Autos sowie Verbesserungen der Benutzeroberfläche und des KI-Verhaltens. Das vollständige Change-Log findet ihr hier. Auch eine Feedback-Umfrage ist angekündigt worden.
Change-Log (Auszug)
- AI now uses El Matador in Class B too.
- Added more customization parts for KillerBee, Tristar, Rammer, Gremlin.
- Added a new paintjob for the lawnmower, improved paintjobs for El Matador and Roadcutter.
- Added reverse routes for Mixed 5 Outer Loop and Mixed 5 Inner Loop.
- Added a short route for Tarmac 1, both forward and reverse layouts.
- Added and adjusted the start/finish lines for a number of tracks.
- Improved environment art on a number of tracks.
- Improved static cubemap locations on a number of tracks.
- Balanced texture luminance ranges on a number of assets.
- Folk racing style start is now used on a number of tracks that support it (i.e. they have a dedicated start area).
- Improved lawnmower handling and gameplay.
- Adjusted reverse gear ratios so that they match between different vehicles.
- Contact timer is no longer used in deathmatch.
- Improved AI aggression: AI now employs increased situational awareness to decide when to ram another car. On Novice AI Difficulty, the AI is more aggressive towards each other and less towards the player, while on Expert AI Difficulty the AI is more aggressive towards the player and less against other AI players.
- In demolition derby, the AI is now less inclined to use reverse whenever the front of the car is damaged.
- In demolition derby, if only one or two AI players are left they no longer only circle around the player like idiots.
- AI now takes the loop in Crash Canyon only in one direction to prevent the traffic from piling up.
- Automatic reversing camera is now enabled by default in derby game modes.
- In HUD, reset prompt is now displayed automatically when driving into a wrong direction or out of track.
- In race game modes, reset is now only allowed when vehicle speed is 10 km/h or less to discourage exploiting.
- In Grass Arena, hay bales no longer appear weightless when hit.

Eine kurze Geschichte der Videospiele
Die Geschichte der Videospiele beginnt bereits in den späten 1940er Jahren mit wissenschaftlichen Tüfteleien. Die erste bekannte von ihnen war “OXO”, ein Tic-Tac-Toe-Spiel, in dem man gegen den Computer antrat.