PC: Brandaktuelle News, Tests, Ankündigungen und Meinungen zu den neusten und beliebtesten PC-Spielen von Gaming-Experten — 4P.de
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Dawn of Fantasy (Taktik & Strategie) – Dawn of Fantasy
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Clones (Logik & Kreativität) – Clones
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Batman: Arkham City (Action-Adventure) – Batman: Arkham City
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The Hunter 2012 (Simulation) – The Hunter 2012
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Orcs Must Die! (Taktik & Strategie) – Orcs Must Die!
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FIFA 12 (Sport) – FIFA 12
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NBA 2K12 (Sport) – NBA 2K12
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Crysis (Shooter) – Crysis
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Dark Souls (Rollenspiel) – Dark Souls
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Rage (Shooter) – Rage
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SpaceChem (Logik & Kreativität) – SpaceChem
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Blackwell Deception(Adventure) – Blackwell Deception
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The Cursed Crusade (Action-Adventure) – The Cursed Crusade
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Driver: San Francisco (Rennspiel) – Driver: San Francisco
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Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (Sport) – Pro Evolution Soccer 2012
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The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim: Prominente Sprecher
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FIFA 12 (Sport) – FIFA 12
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