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Der Herr der Ringe: Die Schlacht um Mittelerde: Patch 1.03 (dt.) zum Download

Deutscher Patch für Der Herr der Ringe: Die Schlacht um Mittelerde auf Version 1.03

4P - Das Spielemagazin
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Eine kurze Geschichte der Videospiele

Die Geschichte der Videospiele beginnt bereits in den späten 1940er Jahren mit wissenschaftlichen Tüfteleien.Die erste bekannte von ihnen war “OXO”, ein Tic-Tac-Toe-Spiel, in dem man gegen den Computer antrat.


– Darkness and Freezing rain now take longer to recharge (5 min) than their effectiveness time (3 min)
– Weather powers are now independent, meaning they can overlap their effects, except for enemy freezing rain
– Cloudbreak recharge time is now 6m 15s, costs 7 points (from 6), and beyond stunning its level 1 units, it now also negatively effects all enemy units (-30% speed, -50% armor) for 35 seconds
– Summoned Elves duration reduced (2 mins from 3 mins)
– Summoned Eagles duration reduced (1m30s from 2 mins)
– Elven Woods and Tainted land armor bonus reduced (+40% from +50%)
– Heal power now only heals up to 80% of the unit’s max health
– Balrog now has a faster wings-takeoff animation (0.7s from 1.7s)
– Balrog sensibly more resistant to magic damage (80% damage taken from 100%)
– Army of the Dead damage vs the Balrog reduced (approx. 70% less)
– Balrog whip attack can now target air units, reload increased (30s from 5s), damage vs heroes highly increased (+35%), heroes can’t resist its knockback anymore
– Balrog whip attack now has a special critical damage bonus (x10) against Gandalf, lethal damage if Gandalf is casting any spell
– Balrog now takes less damage from Eagles (40% from 100%)
– All infantry Forged Blades damage per second reduced by one third
– All basic infantry now more resistant to specialist damage (Pikemen, Tower Guards, Soldiers of Rhun). It’s now 29%/20% (from 50% /40%).
– Basic Infantry Heavy armor fire vulnerability slightly increased (15% damage taken from 0%)
– Gondor and Rohan elite units (Tower Guard, Ranger, Elven Warrior) and its combos now take 33% more experience to level up – exception is the Tower Guard for rank 2, as described in the Gondor changes section
– Catapult, trebuchet (60% taken from 100%) and ballista (50% taken from 100%) now more resistant to Structural (Ent rocks) damage
– Mordor and Isengard Castle Towers base damage increased (25 from 20), +33% damage to heroes except Nazguls and Eagles
– New base balance of cavalry:
Warg + Howl > Knight + Horseshields > Rohirrim > Wargs > Knight ~= Rohirrim
FU Knights > FU Rohirrim > FU Wargs (FU = Fully Upgraded = Horseshields+Forged Blades+Heavy Armor)
– All combined hordes now get special bonuses: +10% dmg, +10% armor for melee+ranged, +20% damage for pike+ranged and +20% armor for melee+cavalry or pike+melee combos
– Mordor and Isengard outer slaughterhouses cost reduced (300 from 350) and provides similar cash as a lumbermil with 4 laborers (225 from 150 credits per minute). Ranks up to level 2 faster (6 min), when it roughly matches a lumbermill production with 6 laborers (255 cpm). At rank 3, on the 23 min mark, provides 270 credits per minute.
– Outpost (expansion) Citadels now have new models and are garrisonable, but can’t be entered while being auto-repairing.. New mordor outpost hosts battallions visibly on top of it, and the hosted battalion takes advantage of any leadership applied, but will die if the outpost is destroyed.
– Gondor and Rohan outpost Citadels health sensibly reduced (2700 from 4000), can’t be entered while it’s being auto- repaired.
– Warg Lairs now drop 2 chests with 120-160 gold (from 50) and Trolls Lairs drop 3 chests with 120-160 gold (from 50). New total average is 280 gold from a warg lair and 420 gold from a troll lair.
– Neutral Warg now does more damage to structures (33% from 10%) and citadels (90% damage vs 33%)
– Neutral Troll is now faster (37 from 33) and has a larger guard (600 from 350) and vision range (175 from 150)
– Monster lairs are now more vulnerable to crush (cavalry) damage (150% damage taken from 50%).


– Warchant recharge time increased to 2m15s (from 2m)
– Vision of the Palantir now gives a +15% speed bonus to certain unit types in its central cursor area when its cast. Eligible types are cavalry, archers (including crossbowmen combos), heroes and siege units. 2m40s recharge, 35s duration
– Saruman’s Fireball extension range (how much the weapon can reach out after being fired) increased (280 vs 250)
– Saruman’s leadership effect reduced, now +30% armor (from +50%), +100% experience and fear invulnerability
– Saruman’s base health increased by 10% (1100 from 1000) and Wormtongue setup time reduced (1.2s from 2s)
– Lurtz Passive Leadership Damage boost reduced (+60% from +100%)
– Lurtz cripple extension range increased (380 vs 350)
– All Isengard Infantry now gain more health in Level 2 (+30 from +20) and Level 3 (+25 from +20)
– Uruk-Hai with heavy armor now more vulnerable to crush damage (60% from 50%)
– Uruk- crossbow combo horde sped up (42 from 33)
– Crossbowmen have a longer pre-attack time (730ms from 500ms)
– Pierce damage of crossbowmen vs cavalry reduced by 30%
– Pikemen with heavy armor slash vulnerability (123% from 80% damage taken) and pierce vulnerability (50% from 20%) increased
– Pikemen fire vulnerability (100%/75% from 30%/0%, unarmored/armored) increased
– Warg Riders cost reduced (760 from 800), and now have health recovery ability when not fighting – 22s to start healing, 1.5 seconds for each 4-point heal
– Wargs on line formation now earn +20% experience on top of the armor bonus and attack reduction
– Warg’s Howl is now +60% damage (from +50%) for 29s (from 35), recharge increased (1m40s from 1m30s)
– Warg’s Howl have a new aura effect, Heavy armor also has a new black skin to help distinguish their current power at any time
– Wargs with Forged Blades now do less damage (80 from 90)
– Berserker build time decreased (13s from 20s), Mordor and Isengard castle towers have a +50% damage bonus vs berserkers
– Ballista AI and pathing improved
– Ballista sensibly more resistant to fire (25% from 50%) and siege (33% from 50%) damage
– Ballistas now have a faster rate of fire (7s reload from 8s)


– Ent Allies Power Point cost reduced to 6 (from 8)
– Elven Woods cost reduced (2 points from 3 points)
– Some Rohan hero abilities (blademaster,shieldmaiden and glorious charge) are no longer cancelable by anti-leadership
– Glorious Charge reload increased (1m45s from 1m), damage decreased (+30% from +100%)
– Eowyn starts with horse
– Theoden base health increased (900 from 800), and is now un-knockable
– Gimli axe throw recharge now takes longer (45s from 10s), half power vs heroes, double damage vs cavalry; Weapon gained splash damage and range (250 from 175), halved damage on splash area vs infantry and monsters
– Gimli leap attack moved to rank 3 (from 2), range increased (130 from 100)
– Gimli’s slayer ability moved to rank 7 (from 5), recharge increased (1m30 from 1m), when in effect it disables the axe throw
– Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli now cost 5 command points each
– Aragorn’s Blademaster duration slightly reduced (25s from 30s)
– Aragorn’s Army of the Dead has a shorter duration (32s from 45s)
– Aragorn attacks faster and with 1/4th damage on its splash area, blademaster effectiveness reduced (+50% from +100%), price increased (3500 from 3000), more vulnerable to MAGIC damage (100% from 75%)
– Aragorn Athelas heal recharge time increased (2m15s from 1m30s)
– Aragorn revival costs increased to reflect its new cost and efficiency
– Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli now take more experience to level up above rank 7 (1100/1500/2000 from 900/1100/1500)
– ‚Crush revenge‘ damage higher for peasants (35 from 20 slash)
– Draft Peasant now more vulnerable to slash damage (120% taken from 100%)
– Rohirrim now take less command points (15 from 20)
– Rohirrim attack reload sped up (1.25s from 1.5s, base damage per second = 32 from 27)
– Rohirrim is now more resistant to slash damage (90% from 100%)
– Rohirrim is now 10% more efficient vs Warg Riders (able to beat a batt without howl)
– Rohirrim with both horseshields and heavy armor now more resistant to magic attacks (80% from 100% damage taken)
– Rohirrim vulnerability to HERO_RANGED with heavy armor (80% from 50%) and Horseshields (65% from 50%) increased
– Horseshield now gives less pierce-resistance to Rohirrim (30% taken from 20%). Heavy armor and HA+shields resistance unchanged.
– Yeoman Archers have now much more base damage – 32 pierce (from 10) and 37 flame (from 15) – but reload time is 2.4 seconds longer
– Yeoman Archer’s now have 15% more speed. Crush-revenge damage (20 from 10) and buildtime (33s from 30s) increased
– Elven Warrior’s sight range reduced (270 from 420)
– Elven Warrior’s now take more pierce damage with heavy armor (60% from 40%) and 100%/20% flame damage (from 30%/0%)
– Elven Warrior’s on swords now do Slash damage as in 1.01, lower speed reduction on formation (-25% from -40%)
– Elven Warrior’s with heavy armor now more resistant to URUK (55% from 60%) and specialist (23% from 30%) damage
– Elven Warrior’s Crush vulnerability sensibly increased (90%/65% from 50% /50%, without/with HA), crush revenge damage halved.
– Treebeard now has longer weapon range (600 from 500) and rock-throw damage (520 from 400)
– TreeBeard now has a new aura effect to help distinguish the Ents under its effect
– TreeBeard now adds a leadership to Ents, increasing their armor by 50%, speed by 25% and rock throw range by 20%
– Treebeard enraged time reduced (1m from 2m30s)
– Ents crush vulnerability increased (40% from 80%)
– Standard Ents health reduced (1700 from 2000) – please notice that total health with TreeBeard aura is around 2500
– Rohirrim Archer now does only 28% damage to anti-cavalry units (Tower Guard, Soldiers of Rhun, Elven Warrior and Pikemen), and less damage to trolls and drummer trolls (56% from 100%). Crush resistance increased (80%/25% from 100%/40%)
– Rohirrim Archer is now more vulnerable to pierce damage (130%/50% from 100%/40%, without/with Heavy Armor) and flame (100%/80% from 50%/0%), more resistant to HERO_RANGED (150% taken from 200%)
– Legolas can’t be killed by Istari Light in a single hit anymore
– Legolas‘ Hawk Strike now has a 30% damage boost vs Gandalf, recharge is now longer (45s from 30s)
– Eomer buildcost increased (1400 from 1200), base spear damage reduced (280 from 400), spear recharge much faster (25s from 60s) and available from start
– Eomer Horse leadership now on Rank 4, damage boost reduced (+60% from +100%), added +50% combat experience
– Archery range experience requirement reduced – only three Yeomans batallions needed to rank up
– Rohan Walls health reduced (4000 from 5000)
– Rohan Gate more resistant to magic damage (120% taken from 300%)
– Armory cost now 1300
– All Rohan upgrades now research in 45s (vs 30s)
– Forged Blades equip cost increased (350 from 300)
– Heavy armor equip cost decreased (250 from 300)


– Rohirrim allies duration (1m15 from 3m) and recharge (4m from 5m30s) reduced, now spawns 4 batts instead of 5
– Gandalf now gains 300 health (from 500) when White, now costs 10 command points
– Gandalf now requires more experience to level up above rank 7 (1400/1900/2500 from 1100/1500/2000)
– Gandalf’s Word of Power recharge time increased (4m30s/9m from 3/6m, with/without GtW), damage vs cavalry highly reduced
– Gandalf lightning strike damage sensibly reduced vs gates
– Gandalf Istari Light now does less damage to the WitchKing (180% damage from 200%)
– Gandalf shield bubble armor boost slightly reduced (99% from 200%) to make whipping shielded Gandalf possible
– Faramir now starts at rank 3 (with horse), leadership now at rank 5, +50% armor and fear resistance on a smaller radius (150 vs 200)
– Faramir Wounding Arrow base damage increased (400 from 300), reload time increased (40s from 15s), reduced power vs Witchking (50% vs 300%), more effective vs Mumakil (300% from 100%), +60% damage bonus vs Aragorn and Gimli
– Faramir now has a hold fire button, bow reloads Faster (1.4s average reload from 1.75 s)
– Faramir now switches to and from his horse faster (1.2s from 2s), speed on horses is now equal to the Knights speed
– Boromir cost increased (1600 from 1400), now starts at rank 3, +60% damage leadership at rank 4, Horn of Gondor at rank 5, Captain of Gondor at rank 6
– Boromir Horn of Gondor recharge takes longer (1m30s from 1m)
– Boromir attack now swings quicker (base damage per second unchanged) and has knockback damage, able to throw back non-hero targets
– Boromir now more resistant to slash (40% from 60%), uruk (30% from 40%) and crush (35% from 40%) damage types
– Soldier cost now 120, health increased (110 from 100)
– Fire arrow, heavy armor and forged blades equip cost 600 from 800 (360 with full discounts)
– ‚Crush revenge‘ damage higher for Gondor Soldiers (40 from 20/slash)
– Gondor Archers cost reduced to 250 (from 300), 20% faster speed, take less command points (10 from 15 per batallion)
– Gondor Archers pierce damage increased (12 from 10) with +12% attack bonus vs orcs, flame damage higher (22 from 15)
– Ranger weapon now has increased range (370 from 350) and fast-fire feature, doubling reload rate after the second arrow. 150% pierce damage bonus vs Trolls and Mumakils
– Ranger cost (600 from 500) and buildtime (40 from 30s) increased, battalion now takes 20 command points (from 15), it’s now very pierce (35% damage taken from 100%) and fire (25% from 100%) resistant
– Ranger now have a „Hold fire“ option
– Tower Guard cost increased (500 from 400), 150% damage bonus vs cavalry and double the crush revenge, can’t be trampled anymore when in blockshield formation
– Tower Guards more vulnerable to slash and uruk damage (150%/100% from 100%/40%, without and with heavy armor) and flame damage (10% from 0%), more resistant to pierce damage (10% from 20%)
– Tower Guards faster in blockshield formation (50% speed from 25%), less armor protection (+40% from +50%)
– Tower Guard now gives more experience when killed (15 from 10), experience requirement to reach level 2 halved (75 from 150). Other ranks requirements unchanged.
– Knights health reduced by 10% (215 from 240)
– Knights now do crush damage (from slash)
– Knights with both Heavy armor and Horseshields now have extra magic resistance
– Knight horseshields research cost and time increased (1300/45s from 1000/30s), equip cost increased (400 from 200)
– Knight horseshields now increases resistance to crush damage (77%/27% from 80%/40%, without/with heavy armor), and has less pierce resistance (25% taken from 20%). Heavy armor and HA+shields resistances unchanged
– Knight vulnerability to HERO_RANGED with heavy armor (80% from 50%) and Horseshields (65% from 50%) increased
– Trebuchet’s fire-upgraded damage (350siege/300fire from 300siege/200fire) and range (450 from 420) increased
– Workshop (Treb production structure) now costs 1500 from 2000
– Wall Trebuchet cost is now reduced with multiple blacksmiths
– Barracks level 2 experience requirement reduced (400 from 500)
– Damage of the upgraded Battle arrows reduced (90 vs 120)
– Walls health reduced by approximately 30%
– Numenor Wall health bonus reduced (4500 from 5000)
– Gondor Gate more resistant to magic damage (120% taken from 300%)
– Blacksmith now takes twice as long to level up to rank 3
– Iron Ore (+20% from +50%) and Grand Harvest (+40% from +50%) production boosts reduced


– Darkness Boost is now +33% damage (from +50%) and +50% armor
– Witchking damage boost is now reduced (+50% from +100%)
– WitchKing range of aura effect highly increased (500 from 200)
– WitchKing now has a new armor, compared to the Nazgul’s it’s more pierce (40% vs 61%) and magic (80% vs 100%) resistant, and more flame vulnerable (80% vs 50%)
– Witchking now takes half damage from some special hero attacks – Wounding Arrow, Hawk Strike, Spear Throw
– Gollum now has proper hotkey, recruit and revival definitions, cost increased (150 from 50), has a new armor (melee-resistant) and +70% damage bonus vs infantry
– Orcs armor more vulnerable to uruk and slash (150% and 170% respectively, from 125% damage taken)
– Orcs now has a longer attack reload time (1.83 from 1.63 s), crush revenge damage reduced (13 from 20)
– Orcs now do 36% damage to external economy structures and towers (battletowers, sentry towers, expansion citadels), and 50% damage to cavalry
– Orc archers now have 60 hitpoints (from 50), and are more resistant to fire (50% damage taken from 100%)
– Orc archers miss ratio reduced, pierce damage increased vs structures (150%), flame damage increased (20 from 15), damage halved vs cavalry
– Orcs and archers experience required to reach level 2 slightly lowered (40 from 50), now gain more health in Level 2 (+30 from +20) and Level 3 (+25 from +20)
– Haradrim is now more pierce vulnerable (125% damage taken from 100%)
– Haradrim damage boosted vs structures (180%), cost increased (240 vs 200)
– Haradrim now do 33% less damage vs basic archers (g. archer, yeoman, crossbow, m.archer)
– Soldier of Rhun base buildtime increased (45s from 40s), damage vs infantry increased by 50%
– Soldier of Rhun take less crush (20% from 50%), pierce (40% from 50%) and uruk (20% from 100%) damage
– Soldier of Rhun 10% faster and it’s now faster in formation (-30% speed from -40%)
– Soldier of Rhun crush-revenge weapon now does 72 magic damage – more effective vs heavy armor and horse shields – from 60 slash
– Drummer Troll base buildtime increased (53s from 45s), cost increased (1300 from 1200), aura has a higher area of effect
– Drummer Troll is now more resistant to flame (30% dmg taken from 50%) and more vulnerable to siege damage (150% from 100%)
– Mordor Troll now has a hold fire button, club (tree) weapon range sensibly increased (50 from 20)
– Nazgul is now slightly more resistant to Magic damage (90% from 100%)
– Nazgul takes more pierce damage (61% from 30%), less fire damage (50% from 90%), total damage taken from fire-upgraded arrows roughly the same
– Mumakil takes more pierce damage (65% from 50%), and less fire damage (250% from 300%), total damage taken from fire- upgraded arrows slightly less (eg. 57 from 60 for a fire Elven Warrior)
– Mumakil legs collision area increased (35/25 from 25/15, front/back legs)
– Mumakil charge weapon now does critical damage to heroes (1500 vs 50). Standard crush now does HERO damage type (100% vs heroes)
– Catapults fire damage now harms friendly units and structures (100% from 0%)
– Cost of Flag Banner equip upgrade decreased sensibly (450 from 600, full-discounts cost 270)
– Haradrim Palace can no longer research the Banner upgrade
– Troll cage now levels up faster, 1 troll less for level 2, 1 drummer or troll less for level 3

Bug Fixes:

– Pikemen not attacking on Elven Woods bug fixed
– Gandalf double spell bug fixed
– Troll/Mumakil/rams pathfinding and attacking AI improved – collision area reduced
– Warg’s Howl bug fixed, it now properly applies its boost
– Ballista shroud clearing range bug fixed, it now matches that of all other artillery units
– Rohirrim Allies potential-desync bug fixed
– Multiple Tooltip fixes and revisions
– Well-rebuild multi-discount bug fixed