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Patch für Two Worlds auf v1.6 (egal von welcher Versionsnummer)

4P - Das Spielemagazin
© 4P-Logo - Funke Mediengruppe

Eine kurze Geschichte der Videospiele

Die Geschichte der Videospiele beginnt bereits in den späten 1940er Jahren mit wissenschaftlichen Tüfteleien.Die erste bekannte von ihnen war “OXO”, ein Tic-Tac-Toe-Spiel, in dem man gegen den Computer antrat.

Two Worlds – Patch 1.6 Changelog (PC Version)

  • MP Lag issues have been improved
  • Horse steering improved
  • Walking under water and not dying -fixed
  • Inaccessible Cave north of Ashos has been fixed
  • Friendly fire disabled in RPG mode (players cannot damage each other)
  • Resurrect spell on players has been disabled
  • Experience points for killing players removed
  • Disarming skill disabled against other players
  • Freezing/stopping spells disabled against other players
  • MP too much skillpoints generated due to combat stats – fixed
  • Character developing curve not as steep over level 25.
  • MP RPG quests given to all, reward splitter between players
  • HP regeneration slower for max values above 2000
  • Death strike skill – executable by strike button while in sneak mode.
  • Critical hit skill fixed (faster animations added)
  • Allowed damage over 32000
  • Cap on damage and armor on 99999
  • Necromancer spells balanced
  • Magical boosters – effect restricted to 5 boosters.
  • Stacking potions with different statistics – fixed
  • Stacking objects which produce too high requirements has been blocked
  • Objects stacking – objects can’t be stacked up if result has higher level requirements than current player level.
  • Equipment Class cap on 50
  • When killing in towns – after you leave the town and go back guards will ask you for paying instead if immediately attack you.
  • NPCs in towns don’t resurrect – guardians exploit removed.
  • Tweaked hi- level monsters balance
  • Team assault – main monuments 50 times stronger
  • Barbarian – berserk skill in PvP reduced to 5.
  • Wing Membrane ingredient added to Helllord
  • Dragons strike not breakable by player hit.
  • Chest and wardrobe lock levels improved in multiplayer.
  • Bomb traps attached to some chests and wardrobes.
  • Balanced number of lock picks in chests and wardrobes.
  • Money moved between servers – fixed
  • Boosters disappearing in Arena modes
  • Maps D2,E4,F4, MP Tharbakin – missing triangles or flying objects – fixed.
  • Atmospheric fog for MP towns added.
  • Enter opens console in SP
  • Horse steering – stopping horse by back key changed
  • cloning character when logging on new WarNet server – fixed
  • chat over open dialogs possible (by F11 chat dialog)
  • All PVP arenas unlocked from begin

Service-Release Changelog 1.5Supporting Games for Windows (Vista Game Explorer, UAC, Media Center)Improved AI BehaviourImproved Trading SystemRedesigned Faces and AnimationsRealistic lipsyncImproved support for ModsFast looting for animalsSummoned creatures are following heroPossibility to do manual magic aimingContent of a chest depends on the difficulty of the lock

Changelog 1.4

For points marked with *) game has to be started from the beginning: Main Menu ->Start New Game. Using save games will disable patch functionality for those points and may lead to unexpected results.


*) – Monsters strength and HP rebalanced
*) – Bandits strength rebalanced
*) – Bows strength rebalanced
*) – Melee combat weapons rebalanced
*) – Traps rebalanced
*) – Magic rebalanced
*) – Skills rebalanced
*) – Skill requirements rebalanced
*) – Equipment requirements rebalanced
*) – Weight rebalanced
*) – Objects stacking rebalanced
*) – fighting from horse – not so powerful
*) – Immunity added to some enemies (e.g. skeletons are immune for piercing and slashing, fire dragons are immune to Fire)

New features:

– Faster graphic rendering on nVidia Graphic Cards.
– Moving/selling multiple objects – with Left Ctrl pressed.
– Vit., Str., Dex., Willp. – timed potion effect displayed in inventory.
– Inventory space increased.
– New graphic settings added DOF, Horizon, water reflections, hit info, player info
– Bow auto aiming option added
– Magic aiming cursor visible even if attacking spell is not highlighted
*) – Killing NPCs inside houses – invisible for other NPCs
*) – 4 new armour sets added.
*) – More Animals in villages (hens, ducks, gooses).
*) – Magic shop near first teleport in Komorin.
*) – Brotherhood shop at Vesit Delurna Coral.

Fixed bugs:

*) – Soulpatcher gives more points than you actually have – fixed.
*) – Quest with Nellor – fixed
*) – Fariel is dying killed by spider.
*) – Death strike skill fixed.
*) – Guards harassing player after paying one of them with 30% – fixed
*) – torches stacking
– Many clipping bugs on various maps – fixed.
– Disarming arrow – crash – fixed
– Not working heavy maces -fixed
– Bombs explosions – fixed
– Horse behaviour – improved
– screens zooms while upgrading a skill
– game crash when buying spell card magic hammer and trying to add it directly to my active spell.
– If you set the spell bar focus to a defensive spell you can’t use a hotkey of any offensive spell that needs a target because the char doesn’t aim (and all the spells will hit the floor). It would be good if the cross-hair is always visible