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Empire Earth 2: Patch 1.20 (dt.) zum Download

Dritter deutscher Patch für Empire Earth 2.

4P - Das Spielemagazin
© 4P-Logo - Funke Mediengruppe

Eine kurze Geschichte der Videospiele

Die Geschichte der Videospiele beginnt bereits in den späten 1940er Jahren mit wissenschaftlichen Tüfteleien.Die erste bekannte von ihnen war “OXO”, ein Tic-Tac-Toe-Spiel, in dem man gegen den Computer antrat.


Das Update aktualisiert das Spiel von v1.00 oder v1.10 auf Version 1.20. Die Wegfindung der Einheiten sowie die Online-Funktionalität (GameSpy Lobby) werden verbessert. Auch neue Skirmish-Maps sind enthalten.


– New GameSpy lobby
– Added ladder and rankings system
– Added cut / paste functionality to in-game lobby
– Increased character buffer to accommodate longer chat messages for in-game lobby
– Added end-user scenario scripting system
– Added documentation / example for making scripted scenarios (located in Scripting Docs folder)     
– Added bonus skirmish maps
– Added an option for a simplified hot key map
– CTRL+ALT+S will save the game
– Ctrl+Alt+Q – quit to main screen from anywhere
– Geography defaults to Random in skirmish setup
– Added Random options for Rivers, Forestation, and Elevation (all default to Random)
– Added an option to save favorite skirmish settings
– Added profanity chat filter
– Improved unit balance
– Animals provide more food
– Wall / tower sections can be selected more easily
– All selected Wall Connectors will now upgrade to Wall Towers when the upgrade is selected, within resource and territory limits
– Fixed bug with Attack Move where Ctrl+Right-Click with an enemy under the cursor was interpreted as an Attack order
– Fixed Helicopters getting stuck on bridges
– Fixed user’s online name appearing as (null) to other players
– Fixed incorrect unit titles in stats across multiple epoch games
– Added epoch name to next epoch numerals
– Fixed dead animal reappearing / replaying animation
– Fixed team placement on continents
– Fixed HERCs firing sound / ammo type issue
– Game won’t launch game if everyone is set as an observer
– Updated art for modern Turkish infantry units
– De-intensified weather effects for better visual recognition of units and buildings
– Disabled scroll reset when new text is added to chat box
– Fixed citizens not continuing to hunt after harvesting an animal
– Improved pathing: units use roads more intelligently now
– Rams are now placed at the front of formations
– Mixed groups of ranged units and rams will no longer cause rams to spin in place when the group is ordered to attack
– Units ordered to attack move which are already attacking something will NOT STOP attacking their target
– Medics ordered to attack move with a group of combat units will now stop as soon as any unit can attack, and will heal their group members
– Improvements to AI building walls / roads
– AI units won’t get stuck in Hold Position anymore
– Deathmatch improvement – AI won’t autobuild warehouses
– AI won’t try to build a wonder if they’re under siege
– Fixed bug where AI would start construction of the same wonder multiple times
– AI deathmatch improvement: Devotes less citizens to wall buildings so as to get military buildings up faster
– AI deathmatch improvement: Upgrades units to veteran/elite more frequently