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Eine kurze Geschichte der Videospiele

Die Geschichte der Videospiele beginnt bereits in den späten 1940er Jahren mit wissenschaftlichen Tüfteleien.Die erste bekannte von ihnen war “OXO”, ein Tic-Tac-Toe-Spiel, in dem man gegen den Computer antrat.

Gegenstände cheaten



Gold: 0000000f

Dietriche: 0000000a
Weil es den Umfang hier sprengen würde, hier alle Item-IDs aufzuzählen, gibt es zum Beispiel auf folgender Seite eine Excel-Datei (mit so ziemlich allen IDs) zum Download]http]

0005bf07 – Ancient Nord Battle Axe of Cold

0005bf06 – Ancient Nord Battle Axe of Frost

0005bf08 – Ancient Nord Battle Axe of Ice

0005bf09 – Ancient Nord Greatsword of Cold

0005bf0a – Ancient Nord Greatsword of Frost

0005bf0b – Ancient Nord Greatsword of Ice

0005bf0c – Ancient Nord Sword of Cold

0005bf0d – Ancient Nord Sword of Frost

0005bf0e – Ancient Nord Sword of Ice

0005bf0f – Ancient Nord War Axe of Cold

000ddd6d – Ancient Nord War Axe of Cold

0005bf10 – Ancient Nord War Axe of Frost

0005bf11 – Ancient Nord War Axe of Ice

000a7358 – Blessed Hunting Bow

000abb22 – Blessed Imperial Bow

000c3de6 – Blessed Imperial Sword

000896f0 – Blessed Iron Battleaxe

000896f3 – Blessed Iron Dagger

000896f6 – Blessed Iron Greatsword

0005bef4 – Blessed Iron Mace

0005bef7 – Blessed Iron Sword

0005befa – Blessed Iron War Axe

000896f9 – Blessed Iron Warhammer

000a6987 – Blessed Steel Battleaxe

000a6a15 – Blessed Steel Dagger

000a699f – Blessed Steel Greatsword

000a69c3 – Blessed Steel Mace

000a69d3 – Blessed Steel Sword

000a69e2 – Blessed Steel War Axe

000a69b5 – Blessed Steel Warhammer

000a4dce – Bloodthorn

000c1989 – Bolar’s

000ab705 – Bow
of the Hunt

000ae087 – Briarheart

0001cb30 – Broken Staff

000f8313 – Chillrend

000f8314 – Chillrend

000f8315 – Chillrend

000f8316 – Chillrend

000f8317 – Chillrend

000f8318 – Chillrend

0007e647 – Conjuration Staff

000139b4 – Daedric Battleaxe

0001dfcc – Daedric Battleaxe of Animus

0001dd9c – Daedric Battleaxe of Annihilating

0001dd96 – Daedric Battleaxe of Banishing

0001de68 – Daedric Battleaxe of Blizzards

0001dfce – Daedric Battleaxe of Damnation

0001dfcf – Daedric Battleaxe of Debilitation

0001df09 – Daedric Battleaxe of Depleting

0001dd9f – Daedric Battleaxe of Despair

0001dd38 – Daedric Battleaxe of Devouring

0001dda0 – Daedric Battleaxe of Dread

0001dfa9 – Daedric Battleaxe of Enervating

0001dd47 – Daedric Battleaxe of Evoking

0001dfd1 – Daedric Battleaxe of Exhaustion

0001dd97 – Daedric Battleaxe of Expelling

0001dda2 – Daedric Battleaxe of Fire

0001de10 – Daedric Battleaxe of Freezing

0001dd54 – Daedric Battleaxe of Garnering

0001dd4e – Daedric Battleaxe of Harvesting

0001dfc7 – Daedric Battleaxe of Immobilizing

0001dd39 – Daedric Battleaxe of Leeching

0001dfd0 – Daedric Battleaxe of Lethargy

0001dfca – Daedric Battleaxe of Lightning

0001dfcd – Daedric Battleaxe of Malediction

0001dfb9 – Daedric Battleaxe of Nullifying

0001dfc8 – Daedric Battleaxe of Petrifying

0001dfcb – Daedric Battleaxe of Storms

0001dfc6 – Daedric Battleaxe of Stunning

0001dd95 – Daedric Battleaxe of Subsuming

0001dda1 – Daedric Battleaxe of Terror

0001ddc8 – Daedric Battleaxe of the Blaze

0001ddfb – Daedric Battleaxe of the Inferno

0001dd4a – Daedric Battleaxe of the Sorcerer

0001dd41 – Daedric Battleaxe of the Vampire

0001dfc9 – Daedric Battleaxe of Thunderbolts

0001dd42 – Daedric Battleaxe of Winnowing

0001ded0 – Daedric Battleaxe of Winter

000139b5 – Daedric Bow

0001dff3 – Daedric Bow of Animus

0001dfe0 – Daedric Bow of Annihilating

0001dfde – Daedric Bow of Banishing

0001dfe8 – Daedric Bow of Blizzards

0001dff5 – Daedric Bow of Damnation

0001dff7 – Daedric Bow of Debilitation

0001dfea – Daedric Bow of Depleting

0001dfe1 – Daedric Bow of Despair

0001dfe2 – Daedric Bow of Dread

0001dfeb – Daedric Bow of Enervating

0001dff9 – Daedric Bow of Exhaustion

0001dfdf – Daedric Bow of Expelling

0001dfe4 – Daedric Bow of Fire

0001dfe7 – Daedric Bow of Freezing

0001dfee – Daedric Bow of Immobilizing

0001dff8 – Daedric Bow of Lethargy

0001dff1 – Daedric Bow of Lightning

0001dff4 – Daedric Bow of Malediction

0001dfec – Daedric Bow of Nullifying

0001dfef – Daedric Bow of Petrifying

0001dff2 – Daedric Bow of Storms

0001dfed – Daedric Bow of Stunning

0001dfe3 – Daedric Bow of Terror

0001dfe5 – Daedric Bow of the Blaze

0001dfe6 – Daedric Bow of the Inferno

0001dff0 – Daedric Bow of Thunderbolts

0001dfe9 – Daedric Bow of Winter

000139b6 – Daedric Dagger

0001e089 – Daedric Dagger of Animus

0001e008 – Daedric Dagger of Annihilating

0001e006 – Daedric Dagger of Banishing

0001e05c – Daedric Dagger of Blizzards

0001e0d6 – Daedric Dagger of Damnation

0001e0d7 – Daedric Dagger of Debilitation

0001e071 – Daedric Dagger of Depleting

0001e009 – Daedric Dagger of Despair

0001dffd – Daedric Dagger of Devouring

0001e018 – Daedric Dagger of Dread

0001e081 – Daedric Dagger of Enervating

0001e001 – Daedric Dagger of Evoking

0001e0d9 – Daedric Dagger of Exhaustion

0001e007 – Daedric Dagger of Expelling

0001e023 – Daedric
Dagger of Fire

0001e05b – Daedric Dagger of Freezing

0001e004 – Daedric Dagger of Garnering

0001e003 – Daedric Dagger of Harvesting

0001e084 – Daedric Dagger of Immobilizing

0001dffe – Daedric Dagger of Leeching

0001e0d8 – Daedric Dagger of Lethargy

0001e087 – Daedric Dagger of Lightning

0001e09f – Daedric Dagger of Malediction

0001e082 – Daedric Dagger of Nullifying

0001e085 – Daedric Dagger of Petrifying

0001e088 – Daedric Dagger of Storms

0001e083 – Daedric Dagger of Stunning

0001e005 – Daedric Dagger of Subsuming

0001e022 – Daedric Dagger of Terror

0001e024 – Daedric Dagger of the Blaze

0001e033 – Daedric Dagger of the Inferno

0001e002 – Daedric Dagger of the Sorcerer

0001dfff – Daedric Dagger of the Vampire

0001e086 – Daedric Dagger of Thunderbolts

0001e000 – Daedric Dagger of Winnowing

0001e05d – Daedric Dagger of Winter

000139b7 – Daedric Greatsword

00028d7c – Daedric Greatsword of Animus

00028d68 – Daedric Greatsword of Annihilating

00028d66 – Daedric Greatsword of Banishing

00028d70 – Daedric Greatsword of Blizzards

00028d81 – Daedric Greatsword of Damnation

00028d82 – Daedric Greatsword of Debilitation

00028d72 – Daedric Greatsword of Depleting

00028d69 – Daedric Greatsword of Despair

00028d5e – Daedric Greatsword of Devouring

00028d6a – Daedric Greatsword of Dread

00028d73 – Daedric Greatsword of Enervating

00028d62 – Daedric Greatsword of Evoking

00028d84 – Daedric Greatsword of Exhaustion

00028d67 – Daedric Greatsword of Expelling

00028d6c – Daedric Greatsword of Fire

00028d6f – Daedric Greatsword of Freezing

00028d65 – Daedric Greatsword of Garnering

00028d64 – Daedric Greatsword of Harvesting

00028d76 – Daedric Greatsword of Immobilizing

00028d5f – Daedric Greatsword of Leeching

00028d83 – Daedric Greatsword of Lethargy

00028d7a – Daedric Greatsword of Lightning

00028d80 – Daedric Greatsword of Malediction

00028d74 – Daedric Greatsword of Nullifying

00028d77 – Daedric Greatsword of Petrifying

00028d7b – Daedric Greatsword of Storms

00028d75 – Daedric Greatsword of Stunning

00028de0 – Daedric Greatsword of Subsuming

00028d6b – Daedric Greatsword of Terror

00028d6d – Daedric Greatsword of the Blaze

00028d6e – Daedric Greatsword of the Inferno

00028d63 – Daedric Greatsword of the Sorcerer

00028d60 – Daedric Greatsword of the Vampire

00028d78 – Daedric Greatsword of Thunderbolts

00028d61 – Daedric Greatsword of Winnowing

00028d71 – Daedric Greatsword of Winter

000139b8 – Daedric Mace

00028dff – Daedric Mace of Animus

00028de4 – Daedric Mace of Annihilating

00028de2 – Daedric Mace of Banishing

00028dec – Daedric Mace of Blizzards

00028e28 – Daedric Mace of Damnation

00028e32 – Daedric Mace of Debilitation

00028dee – Daedric Mace of Depleting

00028de5 – Daedric Mace of Despair

00028dc6 – Daedric Mace of Devouring

00028de6 – Daedric Mace of Dread

00028def – Daedric Mace of Enervating

00028ddb – Daedric Mace of Evoking

00028e5d – Daedric Mace of Exhaustion

00028de3 – Daedric Mace of Expelling

00028de8 – Daedric Mace of Fire

00028deb – Daedric Mace of Freezing

00028ddf – Daedric Mace of Garnering

00028dde – Daedric Mace of Harvesting

00028df2 – Daedric Mace of Immobilizing

00028dc9 – Daedric Mace of Leeching

00028e33 – Daedric Mace of Lethargy

00028df6 – Daedric Mace of Lightning

00028e00 – Daedric Mace of Malediction

00028df0 – Daedric Mace of Nullifying

00028df4 – Daedric Mace of Petrifying

00028df7 – Daedric Mace of Storms

00028df1 – Daedric Mace of Stunning

00028de1 – Daedric Mace of Subsuming

00028de7 – Daedric Mace of Terror

00028de9 – Daedric Mace of the Blaze

00028dea – Daedric Mace of the Inferno

00028ddc – Daedric Mace of the Sorcerer

00028dd4 – Daedric Mace of the Vampire

00028df5 – Daedric Mace of Thunderbolts

00028dd9 – Daedric Mace of Winnowing

00028ded – Daedric Mace of Winter

000139b9 – Daedric Sword

00028fed – Daedric Sword of Animus

00028e83 – Daedric Sword of Annihilating

00028e81 – Daedric Sword of Banishing

00028edc – Daedric Sword of Blizzards

0002950e – Daedric Sword of Damnation

00029527 – Daedric Sword of Debilitation

00028ef9 – Daedric Sword of Depleting

00028e84 – Daedric Sword of Despair

00028e78 – Daedric Sword of Devouring

00028e85 – Daedric Sword of Dread

00028efb – Daedric Sword of Enervating

00028e7c – Daedric Sword of Evoking

0002954b – Daedric Sword of Exhaustion

00028e82 – Daedric Sword of Expelling

00028e87 – Daedric
Sword of Fire

00028edb – Daedric Sword of Freezing

00028e7f – Daedric Sword of Garnering

00028e7e – Daedric Sword of Harvesting

00028f8d – Daedric Sword of Immobilizing

00028e79 – Daedric Sword of Leeching

00029543 – Daedric Sword of Lethargy

00028fe1 – Daedric Sword of Lightning

00029043 – Daedric Sword of Malediction

00028f46 – Daedric Sword of Nullifying

00028fdd – Daedric Sword of Petrifying

00028fec – Daedric Sword of Storms

00028f8c – Daedric Sword of Stunning

00028e80 – Daedric Sword of Subsuming

00028e86 – Daedric Sword of Terror

00028e89 – Daedric Sword of the Blaze

00028e96 – Daedric Sword of the Inferno

00028e7d – Daedric Sword of the Sorcerer

00028e7a – Daedric Sword of the Vampire

00028fde – Daedric Sword of Thunderbolts

00028e7b – Daedric Sword of Winnowing

00028ee9 – Daedric Sword of Winter

000139b3 – Daedric War Axe

0002958c – Daedric War Axe of Animus

00029578 – Daedric War Axe of Annihilating

00029576 – Daedric War Axe of Banishing

00029580 – Daedric War Axe of Blizzards

0002958e – Daedric War Axe of Damnation

0002958f – Daedric War Axe of Debilitation

00029582 – Daedric War Axe of Depleting

00029579 – Daedric War Axe of Despair

00029561 – Daedric War Axe of Devouring

0002957a – Daedric War Axe of Dread

00029583 – Daedric War Axe of Enervating

00029571 – Daedric War Axe of Evoking

00029594 – Daedric War Axe of Exhaustion

00029577 – Daedric War Axe of Expelling

0002957c – Daedric War Axe of Fire

0002957f – Daedric War Axe of Freezing

00029574 – Daedric War Axe of Garnering

00029573 – Daedric War Axe of Harvesting

00029586 – Daedric War Axe of Immobilizing

00029562 – Daedric War Axe of Leeching

00029591 – Daedric War Axe of Lethargy

00029589 – Daedric War Axe of Lightning

0002958d – Daedric War Axe of Malediction

00029584 – Daedric War Axe of Nullifying

00029587 – Daedric War Axe of Petrifying

0002958a – Daedric War Axe of Storms

00029585 – Daedric War Axe of Stunning

00029575 – Daedric War Axe of Subsuming

0002957b – Daedric War Axe of Terror

0002957d – Daedric War Axe of the Blaze

0002957e – Daedric War Axe of the Inferno

00029572 – Daedric War Axe of the Sorcerer

00029563 – Daedric War Axe of the Vampire

00029588 – Daedric War Axe of Thunderbolts

00029567 – Daedric War Axe of Winnowing

00029581 – Daedric War Axe of Winter

000139ba – Daedric Warhammer

000295b7 – Daedric Warhammer of Animus

000295a4 – Daedric Warhammer of Annihilating

000295a2 – Daedric Warhammer of Banishing

000295ac – Daedric Warhammer of Blizzards

000295b9 – Daedric Warhammer of Damnation

000295ba – Daedric Warhammer of Debilitation

000295ae – Daedric Warhammer of Depleting

000295a5 – Daedric Warhammer of Despair

00029598 – Daedric Warhammer of Devouring

000295a6 – Daedric Warhammer of Dread

000295af – Daedric Warhammer of Enervating

0002959c – Daedric Warhammer of Evoking

000295bc – Daedric Warhammer of Exhaustion

000295a3 – Daedric Warhammer of Expelling

000295a8 – Daedric Warhammer of Fire

000295ab – Daedric Warhammer of Freezing

000295a0 – Daedric Warhammer of Garnering

0002959e – Daedric Warhammer of Harvesting

000295b2 – Daedric Warhammer of Immobilizing

00029599 – Daedric Warhammer of Leeching

000295bb – Daedric Warhammer of Lethargy

000295b5 – Daedric Warhammer of Lightning

000295b8 – Daedric Warhammer of Malediction

000295b0 – Daedric Warhammer of Nullifying

000295b3 – Daedric Warhammer of Petrifying

000295b6 – Daedric Warhammer of Storms

000295b1 – Daedric Warhammer of Stunning

000295a1 – Daedric Warhammer of Subsuming

000295a7 – Daedric Warhammer of Terror

000295a9 – Daedric Warhammer of the Blaze

000295aa – Daedric Warhammer of the Inferno

0002959d – Daedric Warhammer of the Sorcerer

0002959a – Daedric Warhammer of the Vampire

000295b4 – Daedric Warhammer of Thunderbolts

0002959b – Daedric Warhammer of Winnowing

000295ad – Daedric Warhammer of Winter

0004e4ee – Dawnbreaker

000be11f – Destruction Staff

0004de5b – Dragon Priest Staff

0007e5bb – Dragon Priest Staff

000f1ac1 – Dragonbane

000f71cd – Dragonbane

000f71ce – Dragonbane

000f71cf – Dragonbane

000f71d0 – Dragonbane

000f82fa – Drainblood

000f71dd – Drainheart

000f82fc – Drainspell

00013994 – Dwarven Battleaxe

000acb94 – Dwarven Battleaxe of Absorption

000acbae – Dwarven Battleaxe of Animus

000acba9 – Dwarven Battleaxe of Arcing

000acbad – Dwarven Battleaxe of Binding

000acba0 – Dwarven Battleaxe of Burning

000acb95 – Dwarven Battleaxe of Consuming

000acb9d – Dwarven Battleaxe of Cowardice

000acbb1 – Dwarven Battleaxe of Debilitation

000acba8 – Dwarven Battleaxe of Depleting

000acb9f – Dwarven Battleaxe of Despair

000acb96 – Dwarven Battleaxe of Devouring

000acba7 – Dwarven Battleaxe of Diminishing

000acba6 – Dwarven Battleaxe of Draining

000acb9e – Dwarven Battleaxe of Fear

000acba2 – Dwarven Battleaxe of Fire

000acba5 – Dwarven Battleaxe of Freezing

000acba3 – Dwarven Battleaxe of Frost

000acb9a – Dwarven Battleaxe of Gleaning

000acb98 – Dwarven Battleaxe of Harrowing

000acb9c – Dwarven Battleaxe of Harvesting

000acba4 – Dwarven Battleaxe of Ice

000acb9b – Dwarven Battleaxe of Reaping

000acba1 – Dwarven Battleaxe of Scorching

000acbaa – Dwarven Battleaxe of Shocks

000acb97 – Dwarven Battleaxe of Siphoning

000acbac – Dwarven Battleaxe of Soul Snares

000acbab – Dwarven Battleaxe of Thunderbolts

000acbb0 – Dwarven Battleaxe of Torpor

000acbaf – Dwarven Battleaxe of Weariness

000acb99 – Dwarven Battleaxe of Winnowing

00013995 – Dwarven Bow

000acb8d – Dwarven Bow of Animus

000acb88 – Dwarven Bow of Arcing

000acb8c – Dwarven Bow of Binding

000acb7f – Dwarven Bow of Burning

000acb7c – Dwarven Bow of Cowardice

000acb90 – Dwarven Bow of Debilitation

000acb87 – Dwarven Bow of Depleting

000acb7e – Dwarven Bow of Despair

000acb86 – Dwarven Bow of Diminishing

000acb85 – Dwarven Bow of Draining

000acb7d – Dwarven Bow of Fear

000acb81 – Dwarven Bow of Flames

000acb84 – Dwarven Bow of Freezing

000acb82 – Dwarven Bow of Frost

000acb83 – Dwarven Bow of Ice

000acb80 – Dwarven Bow of Scorching

000acb89 – Dwarven Bow of Shocks

000acb8b – Dwarven Bow of Soul Snares

000acb8a – Dwarven Bow of Thunderbolts

000acb8f – Dwarven Bow of Torpor

000acb8e – Dwarven Bow of Weariness

00013996 – Dwarven Dagger

000acbc1 – Dwarven Dagger of Absorption

000acbdd – Dwarven Dagger of Animus

000acbd8 – Dwarven Dagger of Arcing

000acbdc – Dwarven Dagger of Binding

000acbcf – Dwarven Dagger of Burning

000acbc2 – Dwarven Dagger of Consuming

000acbca – Dwarven Dagger of Cowardice

000acbe0 – Dwarven Dagger of Debilitation

000acbd7 – Dwarven Dagger of Depleting

000acbcc – Dwarven Dagger of Despair

000acbc3 – Dwarven Dagger of Devouring

000acbd6 – Dwarven Dagger of Diminishing

000acbd5 – Dwarven Dagger of Draining

000acbcb – Dwarven Dagger of Fear

000acbd1 – Dwarven Dagger of Flames

000acbd4 – Dwarven Dagger of Freezing

000acbd2 – Dwarven Dagger of Frost

000acbc7 – Dwarven Dagger of Gleaning

000acbc5 – Dwarven Dagger of Harrowing

000acbc9 – Dwarven Dagger of Harvesting

000acbd3 – Dwarven Dagger of Ice

000acbc8 – Dwarven Dagger of Reaping

000acbd0 – Dwarven Dagger of Scorching

000acbd9 – Dwarven Dagger of Shocks

000acbc4 – Dwarven Dagger of Siphoning

000acbdb – Dwarven Dagger of Soul Snares

000acbda – Dwarven Dagger of Thunderbolts

000acbdf – Dwarven Dagger of Torpor

000acbde – Dwarven Dagger of Weariness

000acbc6 – Dwarven Dagger of Winnowing

00013997 – Dwarven Greatsword

000acbe4 – Dwarven Greatsword of Absorption

000acc00 – Dwarven Greatsword of Animus

000acbfb – Dwarven Greatsword of Arcing

000acbff – Dwarven Greatsword of Binding

000acbf1 – Dwarven Greatsword of Burning

000acbe5 – Dwarven Greatsword of Consuming

000acbee – Dwarven Greatsword of Cowardice

000acc03 – Dwarven Greatsword of Debilitation

000acbf9 – Dwarven Greatsword of Depleting

000acbf0 – Dwarven Greatsword of Despair

000acbe6 – Dwarven Greatsword of Devouring

000acbf8 – Dwarven Greatsword of Diminishing

000acbf7 – Dwarven Greatsword of Draining

000acbef – Dwarven Greatsword of Fear

000acbf3 – Dwarven Greatsword of Flames

000acbf6 – Dwarven Greatsword of Freezing

000acbf4 – Dwarven Greatsword of Frost

000acbea – Dwarven Greatsword of Gleaning

000acbe8 – Dwarven Greatsword of Harrowing

000acbec – Dwarven Greatsword of Harvesting

000acbf5 – Dwarven Greatsword of Ice

000acbeb – Dwarven Greatsword of Reaping

000acbf2 – Dwarven Greatsword of Scorching

000acbfc – Dwarven Greatsword of Shocks

000acbe7 – Dwarven Greatsword of Siphoning

000acbfe – Dwarven Greatsword of Soul Snares

000acbfd – Dwarven Greatsword of Thunderbolts

000acc02 – Dwarven Greatsword of Torpor

000acc01 – Dwarven Greatsword of Weariness

000acbe9 – Dwarven Greatsword of Winnowing

00013998 – Dwarven Mace

000acc07 – Dwarven Mace of Absorption

000acc23 – Dwarven Mace of Animus

000acc1e – Dwarven Mace of Arcing

000acc22 – Dwarven Mace of Binding

000acc14 – Dwarven Mace of Burning

000acc08 – Dwarven Mace of Consuming

000acc11 – Dwarven Mace of Cowardice

000acc26 – Dwarven Mace of Debilitation

000acc1c – Dwarven Mace of Depleting

000acc13 – Dwarven Mace of Despair

000acc09 – Dwarven Mace of Devouring

000acc1b – Dwarven Mace of Diminishing

000acc1a – Dwarven Mace of Draining